Friday, March 20, 2020

A pause for my production (Pandemic)

There has been a pandemic and a lot has been going on. The superintendent of Broward county decided to close schools. Schools got shut down so kids won’t catch the virus. School will be out for 4 weeks. Due to the corona virus there’s been a lot of chaos. I’ve been in quarantine all week. Staying home and just making sure I’m safe. At first it was just a week off plus spring break. Things escalated and it went to two extra weeks off. More people started getting the virus. 
Then the virus hit Broward county. It’s a emergency that everyone stays safe and inside. The virus has spread quickly and the more people that are out the quicker it spreads. Students aren’t getting proper help from teachers. Everything turned virtual and students have been doing online work now. 
Like the movie antebellum the release date has been postponed. That’s exactly like my group and I film. There hasn’t been a way for us to meet up and reshoot things and edit. Everyone needs to be quarantined so it’s hard to get access to each other physically. It’s like our film has been postponed because there’s not a way we can do anything to it to make it better. 

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