Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre research: Get Out

The horror movie “Get Out” is based on a man falling in love with a causcasion woman who was not with him for the right reasons. Her parents and her collectively preyed on black people. The most common camera angles that were used in this movie were eye leveled, medium close up, POV shots, pan and tracking shots. This is important because the main thing was focusing on the characters reactions every time someone said something unusual. The location, a lonely city with an open field and the closest house being miles away were filled with artificial lighting and natural lighting that really made the film understanding. The characters wore regular clothes, though the questionable characters wore older clothing. The sound in this film was pretty regular with diegetic sounds and incidental music every once in a while. The editing that took were pretty basic editing skills that takes place in many movies such as razor cuts. In horror films, the main elements are fear, suspense, and creepy things occuring. “Get Out” was able to achieve this by following these guidelines and creating a strong suspense. I admired the fact that while I was watching this movie, I stayed quiet with the character and I was on my toes whenever someone would make a questionable statement. The director, Jordan Peele did an amazing job at keeping the audience interested with suspense. The one thing that was disappointing at first was the fact that I didn't understand all of the saying and pick up lines from the jump. I was disappointed the first time I watched it, but the second time I understood everything.

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